Don't Trust In the Arm of Flesh-Do Your Own Research

"They have cradled you in custom. They have primed you with their teaching. They have soaked you with convention through and through. They have put you in a showcase. You're a credit to their teaching. But don't you hear the truth? It's calling you."

Monday, November 14, 2011

Baptism Of The Dead

Baptism Of The Dead
Doctrine & Covenants Scriptures
Why the RLDS Church Refuses 
To Baptize Their Dead

Dear Reader, 

My Sister in law is a member of the Utah based Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Both Churches believe in the Bible, Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants. 

Two churches who at first blush seem so similar, even in name, yet are almost diametrically apposed in doctrine and teaching. 

As you can imagine,there has been passionate discussion amongst us in-laws ( of my family) as to why we believe the way we do. How can two or more people believe differently from a doctrine or teaching coming from the same books of scriptures?

I have posted the Doctrine and Covenants scriptures dealing with baptism of the dead. Why the RLDS Church does not believe nor practice this doctrine. I have taken the liberty to post the LDS and RLDS scripture reference's. 

Aside from a few select scriptures which were added by the Utah LDS Church after Joseph Smith's death our Doctrine and Covenants are almost word for word identical.  God Bless you and I hope you enjoy.

Section 124 LDS D&C, Section 107 RLDS D&C declares:

29For a baptismal font there is not upon the earth, that they, my saints, may be baptized for those who are dead—
 30For this ordinance belongeth to my house, and cannot be acceptable to me, only in the days of your poverty, wherein ye are not able to build a house unto me.

The RLDS Church does not argue IF baptism of the dead is of God. Our reason for not practicing  baptism of the dead is due to  D&C revelation given by Joseph Smith.
“I command you, all ye my Saints, to build a house unto me; and I grant unto you a sufficient time to build a house unto me, and during this time your baptisms shall be acceptable unto me. But, behold, at the end of this appointment, your baptisms for your dead shall not be acceptable unto me; and if you do not these things at the end of the appointment, ye shall be rejected as a church with your dead, saith the Lord your God.”
Jan. 19, 1841
Doctrine and Covenants 107:10f–11a (Reorg.)
Doctrine and Covenants 124:31–39 (Utah)

Wrath for Abominations?

“And it shall come to pass, that if you build a house
unto my name, and do not the things that I say, I will not
perform the oath which I make unto you, neither fulfill
the promises which ye expect at my hands, saith the
for instead of blessings, ye, by your own works, bring
cursings, wrath, indignation, and judgments, upon your
own heads, by your follies, and by all your abominations,
which you practice before me, saith the Lord.”

Doctrine and Covenants 107:13e–f (Reorg.)
Doctrine and Covenants 124:44–46 (Utah)

 Saints Were Practicing Abominations?
What Abominations?

D&C 124 Prophecy Scattered Saints Shall 

Baptize Dead In Vain

baptism of dead revelation given January 19, 1841

35And after this time, your baptisms for the dead, by those who are scattered abroad, are not acceptable unto me, saith the Lord.
 36For it is ordained that in Zion, and in her stakes, and in Jerusalem, those places which I have appointed for a refuge, shall be the places for your baptisms for your dead.

Saints Not Moved IF Obedient
“If ye labor with all your might, I will consecrate
that spot, that it shall be made holy; and if my people
will hearken unto my voice, and unto the voice of my
servants whom I have appointed to lead my people,
behold, verily I say unto you, They shall not be
moved out of their place. But if they will not
hearken to my voice, nor unto the voice of these
men whom I have appointed, they shall not be
blessed, because they pollute mine holy grounds.

Doctrine and Covenants 107:13e–f (Reorg.)
Doctrine and Covenants 124:44–46 (Utah)

Saints Cast From Zion  and

Scattered Because of Transgression?
Verily I say unto you, concerning your brethren who have been afflicted, and persecuted, and cast out from the land of their inheritance—

 I, the Lord, have suffered the affliction to come upon them, wherewith they have been afflicted, in consequence of their transgressions; 

What Transgression?

LDS D&C 42:22
 22 Thou shalt love thy wife with all thy heart, and shalt  cleave unto her and none else.
 23 And he that looketh upon a woman to lust after her shall deny the faith, and shall not have the Spirit; and if he repents not he shall be cast out.
 24 Thou shalt not commit adultery; and he that committeth adultery, and repenteth not, shall be cast out.
Polygamy Was the Abomination Practiced, Which God Called Adultery, Which Caused the Scattering of the Saints. 

Scattered Saints Abroad 

Not Acceptable???

The 4 Reasons Why...

·        LDS D&C 64:35 Lord Declares the Rebellious Shall Not Live In Zion
·        LDS D&C 64:36 States Rebellious Scattered Saints are Not of blood of Epraim, whom shall be “plucked out”!
·        LDS D&C 64: 38 Inhabitants of Zion ( Independence MO. ) Shall judge all thing pertaining Zion.
·        False Prophets and Apostles shall be exposed by Saints Living in Zion.  ( Missouri )

Utah. D.&C. 62:6; 64:34-39; or RLDS Authorized D&C 62:2; 64:7.

Zion shall not be moved out of her place,

Not withstanding her children are scattered.”

LDS D&C Gives 

Location of Zion?

Joseph Smith gave revelation Section 57:1 (57:1-3 Utah D&C.* : 57:1 RLDS Authorized. D&C.**) we find:
Hearken, O ye elders of my church saith the Lord your God, who have assembled yourselves together, according to my commandments in this land which is the land of Missouri, which is the land which I have appointed and consecrated for the gathering of the saints: wherefore this is the land of promise, and the place for the city of Zion. And thus saith the Lord your God, if you will receive wisdom here is wisdom. Behold, the place which is now called Independence, is the center place, ...”

Jeremiah 17:5-6 
Scattered Saints hearts have 

departed from God
 5Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.

Jeremiah Prophecies the Land of Rebellious  Saints*
 6For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited.

* Many Saints were scattered all over America
Not just the salt land of the Utah desert.

Time Line of Church History

Baptism of Dead Revelation Given
Jan. 19, 1841

Masonic Temple
Finished 1843

Joseph and Hyrum Smith Killed

Saints Scattered

Prophecy Fulfilled 

Nauvoo Temple Never Finished
No one can deny that the Saints were
driven from Nauvoo. In light of this
revelation (107 RLDS D&C Section 124 Utah D&C), which
promised that they would not be moved
out of their place if they were obedient, it
is easily understood that the Saints did
not complete the temple in the alloted
time and were therefore scattered.

Brigham Young's Own Words
 Confirmed This
Brigham Young stated several times that
the Nauvoo temple was not finished.
“Here let me ask the old Saints a question.
Have you ever seen a temple finished since
this church commenced? You have not.”
Brigham Young, Aug. 31, 1856,
Journal of Discourses, Vol. 4, p. 42.

 He Confirmed It Again
“We built one [a temple] in Nauvoo. I could
pick out several before me now that were
there when it was built, and know just how
much was finished and what was done. It is
true we left brethren there with instructions
to finish it, and they got it nearly completed
before it was burned, but the Saints did not
enjoy it.”
Brigham Young, Jan. 1, 1877
Journal of Discourses, Vol. 18, p. 304

Fulfilled Prophecy

·       The Nauvoo temple was
never completed
Abominations   were committed in
They did not hearken unto
the Lord or his servants
Received curses, wrath,
indignations and judgments
Were moved out of their place
and expelled from Nauvoo
The church was rejected**

**See LDS D&C 84:54-57/ RLDS D&C Section 83.

Today the practice of “baptism for the
dead” has only one important purpose:

It serves to identify the church, that
practices it—as being a rejected church.

See: RLDS Doctrine & Covenants 107:11a, 13e

See LDS Doctrine & Covenants 124:32, 45–46

All Hope Is Not Lost!
Utah Church Not Totally Rejected!

Those Scattered Because of Transgression...
Section 101: 1; 9;13; 

1 Verily I say unto you, concerning your brethren who have been afflicted, and persecuted, and cast out from the land of their inheritance—

2. I, the Lord, have suffered the affliction to come upon them, wherewith they have been afflicted, in consequence of their transgressions;

3 Yet I will own them, and they shall be amine in that day when I shall come to make up my jewels.

 4 Therefore, they must needs be chastened and tried, even as Abraham, who was commanded to offer up his only son.

 5 For all those who will not endure chastening, but deny me, cannot be sanctified. ( Warning to LDS and RLDS Church together 

 6 Behold, I say unto you, there were jarrings, and contentions, and envyings, and strifes, and lustful and covetous desires among them; therefore by these things they polluted their inheritances.

7 They were slow to hearken unto the voice of the Lord their God; therefore, the Lord their God is slow to hearken unto their prayers, to answer them in the day of their trouble. ( Again Warning to LDS and RLDS Church combined )

8 In the day of their peace they esteemed lightly my counsel; but, in the day of their trouble, of necessity they feel after me.

9 Verily I say unto you, notwithstanding their sins, my bowels are filled with compassion towards themI will not utterly cast them off; and in the day of wrath I will remember mercy.

10 I have sworn, and the decree hath gone forth by a former commandment which I have given unto you, that I would let fall the sword of mine indignation in behalf of my people; and even as I have said, it shall come to pass.

11 Mine indignation is soon to be poured out without measure upon all nations; and this will I do when the cup of their iniquity is full.

12 And in that day all who are found upon the watch-tower, or in other words, all mine Israel, shall be saved.

13 And they that have been scattered shall be gathered.

Those Repentant Saints Scattered and Cast From Zion ( Independance MO )
Shall be gathered Once More. 

Wrapping Up.

RLDS Church Members and Priesthood do not baptize the dead because LDS and RLDS Doctrine and Covenants Commandments forbids it. Commandment which declares the Church who continues the practice shall be "rejected" as a church. 

Doctrine and Covenants 107:10f–11a (Reorg.)
Doctrine and Covenants 124:31–39 (Utah)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find this to be the most satisfactory answer I've ever seen. Given that the RLDS Church was heading toward ecumenism and toward where the Community of Christ is today, the removal from the Doctrine and Covenants wasn't legitimate. Yet I also take seriously what Joseph Smith III and others have said regarding baptism for the dead. I find it hard to believe that the Prophet Joseph Smith had a false revelation published in Doctrine and Covenants. This article shows how it's 1) legitimate, yet 2) not to be practiced by the saints. As the allotted period has clearly elapsed. Thank you very much for this article. It truly helped me figure this puzzle out.

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White Indians In America?

White Indians In America?
Book of Mormon Speaks of the Nephites " White Indians " and Lamanites " Dark Skinned Indians " living in America. South American Murals give evidence the Book of Mormon is an ancient record.

White Skinned Indians Part 2

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Bearded god carved in stone, found in the 24 square mile ruins of Monte Alban in Southern Mexico. Note the figure seems to be in prayer.


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Monte Alban Mexico

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Egyption Coptic Cross. Southern Mexico


Latin style cross tombs of Mitla Mexico. Photos taken from The Cruciform Structures of Mitla and Vicinity (1909), copyright expired, public domain.

Evidence Native Americans Knew About Jesus Christ Before the Spanish Inquisition of South America.

Evidence Native Americans Knew About Jesus Christ Before the Spanish Inquisition of South America.
This Blog is about Jesus Christ. About the Book of Mormon which has been much maligned by men who never heard or saw the truth. Even by some who don't want the truth seen by you or I. We of the western world need to open our eyes. We must wake up. We must believe God is real. We must begin to realized we cannot fit God into a small little box with a pretty red bow, only to open it on Sunday so we may have our small controled dose of God. God is everywhere. Therefore His people will be everywhere. Let's find the evidence of the other places Jesus Christ visited besides Jerusalem... The above photo comes from Monte Alban Mexico. The above cross in similitude to an Egyption Coptic Cross. What connections did Egypt and ancient Mexico have?

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Search All Things, Prove All Things True.

Dear reader. To read text articals pertaining Book of Mormon archaeology, scroll half way down.

If the Book of Mormon truly is an ancient history of America, we can search the Book of Mormon, then search archaeology to discover if the Book of Mormon is accurate. 1 Thessalonian's 5:21 states" Prove all things; hold fast that which is good". Only a fool does not test his or her Christian belief to see if it withstands scrutiny and " tough well reasoned questioning". He or she who does not test or question everything in life, religion or career has missed the boat, and the very meaning of life. Which is to find the better way spiritually and temporally, holding fast to that which is good.

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Latter Day Saint's everywhere need not hang their heads when questioned about Joseph Smith's teaching and practice of polygamy. IT NEVER HAPPENED! Read the legal and historical evidences how men closest the prophet lied in order to justify Utah Mormon Polygamy. Click picture link to read more and decide for yourself if this book will fit your library.


In the Book of Mormon, 3 Nephi testifies Christ came to America. Christ, in Gospel of Luke is asked a question by the Apostle Peter most people miss. Peter ask Christ who He was, Christ's reply was, who do YOU/THEY say that I am. Luke 9:20. Native Americans record a white god who walked among them. When asked who He was, His reply was to ask, WHO DO YOU SAY THAT I AM? In ( 1964 ) Pierre Honore wrote a book who's title speaks for it'self. In Quest of the Fair God Pierre Honore illustrates a white God among the Native America, who was named many different names where ever He went. Mr. Honore says, " The legend of a particular white God has survived to our day from all ancient civilizations of Central and South America. The Toltecs and Aztecs of Mexico called Him Quetzalcoatl, the Incas called Him Viracocha To the Maya he was called Kulkulcan who brought them all their laws, and also their script, and was worshiped like a God by the entire people. To the Chibchas, he was Bochica, the white mantle of light. To the Aymara of Peru he was Hyustus, and to this day they will tell you he was fair and had blue eyes. Everywhere in the Indian states of Central and South America the legend of the White God is known, and always ends in the same way. The White God left his people with a solemn promise that he would one day come back."

A Hebrew People In America?

Can there be Hebrews in America? What does the Bible say?

Matthew 15:24

But He ( Jesus ) answered them and said, I am not sent but unto the LOST SHEEP of the house of the house of Israel

Jesus told us He must minister to Israelites " other sheep I have not of this fold then also must I bring ", ( John 10:16 KJV ).

Ezekiel 34:6;11;12-13 declares:

6My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and upon every high hill: yea, my flock was scattered upon all the face of the earth, and none did search or seek after them.

11For thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I, even I, will both search my sheep, and seek them out.

12As a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day** that he is among his sheep that are scattered; so will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day.

** ( in the day means during Christ earthly ministry 2000 years ago )

13And I will bring them out from the people, and gather them from the countries, and will bring them to their own land, and feed them upon the mountains of Israel by the rivers, and in all the inhabited places of the country.

For the Book of Mormon to be a valid history of an ancient people long dead, there must be Biblical evidence such a people exist. The words of Christ and Ezekiel confirm such a people are scattered world wide.


Picture taken from a wall carving from this temple in Chichen Itza, in the Yucatan peninsula. How could the natives know of a " Bearded White God " if they had never seen one?


But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Matthew 15:24


Salt Lake Utah based Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints claim Joseph Smith gave revelation and taught polygamy as God's law for the church. Read how courts of the United States and U.S. Congressional investigation ( Reed Smoot Hearings ) contradict the Utah LDS Church. Click photo link to read details.

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The Darrius Plates

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