DNA and The Book of Mormon
CD Hoax
Whoa there! I'm not about to beat up anybody! I'm just calling a spade a spade. While there is truth in the CD documentary, and there are true facts contained within, they are only fractions of facts, only fractions of the real story. I'm here to tell you keep reading, to keep searching! Jesus Christ himself said to " search and all things, prove all things true.
But living in the talking head society as we do, many many millions of men an women, ( especially Christians ) let others do their own searching, their own thinking, healing, and child raising. This is not right. How can I say such a thing? Simply this!
We have a faulty logic system. We have been brainwashed to believe someone with a college education, a B.S. degree ( no pun intended ) Masters or Doctorate in Medicine, Communications, Research and Development, Science, Archaeology, or Entertainment know's what they're talking about! That is not always the case. Worse we've been taught, our government always has our best interest at heart. That actors and news services air only things good for us to see. That science tells us the truth and archaeologist want us to know truth about the ancient world peoples. Let me further illuminate what I'm saying!
For instance, is the weather man always right? When did a doctor give someone good news? News like ( honey you don't need to do Chemotherapy, use wheat grass ( a common anti cancer food ) instead? When did the News Guy give you a good story to hear? Or the Actor a dream you could pursue? When did scientist and researcher give you information you could easily understand and utilize in your daily life. When do the authorities break down information into easily understood words so you and I can make wise decisions, without having to be pronounced by the world a master of, or a doctor of... When will the common man be as important as the most Important V.I.P. in the Americas?
The answer? When the common man is willing to become more expert than the experts.
And this is not that hard really! I myself, in my own studies, could most likely be considered a world authority on the Book of Mormon. I mean after all, I've studied the book for 36 years, researched North and South American Archaeology for about 5 years, have an absolute lifelong passion for Church and World History since the day I was born. It's not hard to become an authority, if one is willing to read and keep learning, keep asking questions, keep growing.
Everything! Let me explain. The Bible warns of men in the last times, who preach the gospel for money! You can find this in Book of Revelations, Book of Jude, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and throughout the New Testament.
All the Old Testament gospels and yes even in the Book of Mormon. Which as declared by the Book of Mormon, is one of many reasons the Book of Mormon is to come forth. Because evil men will have gotten influence in the churches, and have led the people into bondage and sin. Using them to get gain, rather than teaching the people to be self supporting in God alone.
Like I said, men who preach the gospel for money, pretending to be sheep, but inwardly are raving wolves. Raving means hungry, not at peace, angry, messed up, even evil. It is wise to be careful when reading the Bible. What is taught about the Bible, and what the Bible actually teaches are two different things.
Putting Things In Context
If a minister is paid by his church, there is a great risk he will preach for money. Only popular ministers bring in huge offering plates, rally support for church affairs, convince congregations to buy new pews and repeatedly build larger tabernacles, worship centers and church recreation buildings. Only popular pastors, make more friends than enemies, especially among the wealthy.
Yet in Christ's time, it was the wealthy man and popular minister who crucified Christ in the name of truth. History always repeats itself.
The popular ministers and pastors of Christ's time, killed their God. Not because they were right, but because Jesus Christ was showing the common people, how not to be dependant upon the wealthy man, the popular pastor, or the charismatic minister. Jesus Christ taught the common man he could to be self sufficient in God alone. Christ taught all mountains could be moved if man had but the faith of a grain of mustard seed. All obstacles could be overcome, if one only had a particle of faith.
But today, that is not so! And if you listen and look carefully, you will see I'm right!
Today it's about money, not people. Yes people are appealed to, because people have money. Every church service, and most every sermon are about the money. They are created, coordinated and conducted to appeal to common man and rich alike. They teach men who have financially hard times, recipes for " Christian Financial Success ". One of the principles taught is giving. The Ministry today teach giving to the Church is like giving to God! And that God will give back 7 fold or seventy fold depending upon who's recipe you listen too.
Many of todays Christian Radio Programs have to do with stewardship of money. Dare I say even if tongue in cheek, it behooves churches to keep their flock flush with cash. After all, their membership is their cash cow!
So when we talk about DNA and the Book of Mormon CD, we're not talking Biblical doctrine, truth, love of country, love of Jesus, God or the Holy Spirit! We're talking market share, money, power! This is the punch line!
The Bible say, the last days, God's own people will be called after the name of His only begotten Son. Biblically The Book of Mormon can be supported without question. History has proven the Book of Mormon true. Archaeology has proven the Book of Mormon is likely true. And the Book of Mormon when studies by experts in the field of ancient writings and texts has been proven to be an ancient Hebrew document.
So why the big hullabaloo? Because it's about the green stuff!
DNA Arguments Against Book of Mormon
Many of the DNA arguments used to prove Joseph Smith wrote the Book of Mormon from his own intellect, and not by Inspiration of the Holy Spirit, are themselves addressed by the Book of Mormon and the writings and contents therein.
People, Christians especially, need to realize they are only getting a biassed one sided story about the Book of Mormon. There are countless Archaeological artifacts, Biblical evidences, Petroglyphs, Pictoglyphs, tablets, metal plates, and ancient records and evidences excavated from Burial mounds and found on rocks and cliff faces in North and South America. Artifacts and evidences discovered not by Brigham Young University and the Salt Lake Utah Mormon Church. No! We're talking University of Tulsa, Oklahoma State University, University of Calgary CA. University of Mexico, University of Pennsylvania, Brandice University, Universities in Europe, Asia and across the world?
Other interesting facts
Interestingly enough, the CD Expose never mentions any of these University archaeological researched discoveries and evidences...
Nor does the CD explain that the Salt Lake Mormon Church is an impostor Church, and not the original church Joseph Smith started...
When I first saw the CD, DNA and the Book of Mormon, which is supposed be an expose proving the Book of Mormon false,it was a laugh.... A good baptist friend invited me to his house to watch it, and I later answered questions. I went upon his promise it would be a question answer session/ discussion. Deep deep down, I doubted if it would be that way but I went hoping all would turn out as promised.Tell you the truth I was a little scared! You see I don't like confrontations with people over the Book of Mormon. I usually find most people swim in shallow water Christianity. Yet I get dubbed by them, the satanic blasphemer regardless of Biblical, Archaeological, Palientological and Historical evidence supporting the Book of Mormon. It's a price I pay believing as I do, but a price I hate to pay sometimes..
Belief Racism
My ideals and beliefs most often result in rejection from other Christians. Like the Black man or South American, who's rejected for his color or nationality, I am rejected for my Christian biblically supported Book of Mormon beliefs. This kind of belief based racism I find Appalling! An appalled Brian Marshall results in loss of reason and speech abilities... if I contend with others about Christ's true doctrine and teachings. If that happens I get even more mad. So after a fashion, I can understand the Mexican or African Americans plight! Sometimes I tend to want to carry a chip on my shoulder because of the unfair treatment.
The American Christian attitude is to deny truth, even if it hurts us....
So you can see why I don't like "religious doctrinal" confrontations. Religious doctrinal confrontations usually make me mad. Not because my argument is weaker, or my belief lesser, but because I like most people, despise bigots! People who don't listen, and have made their minds up without viewing the evidences, evidences often contain within their own NIV or King James Bibles. Evidences most ministers would deny or ignore and explain away, but in most cases just plain avoid. It's dangerous ground! I understand why people avoid dangerous ground. Sometimes it hurts, it's embarrassing, you could get mud on your face.
Literal Belief in Biblical Scripture
I believe the Bible is literally the word of God in as much as it's been translated correctly from the Original Hebrew texts. So I read the Bible as is. Not adding my interpretations or meanings. Nor do I take away from Biblical Text by adding my interpretations or meanings. I read the bible in context with the author who is writing the current biblical book I'm reading that day.
DNA CD Farce
Like I said I saw the CD and about laughed. The CD only proved Joseph Smith could only have been inspired of God to wright/translate it. Let me list a few glaring points of note proving Smith was a true prophet, or at least, a man who could see what future critics would say about the Book of Mormon.
Criticism: Joseph Smith was a fraud because the DNA of most people in the America's today descended from Asian DNA strains, not Hebrew.
Response: Joseph Smith 180 years ago translated the books of Either and Omni which speaks about Jarred and the Brother of Jarred "Jeredites" who came to ancient America after the fall of the Great Tower of Babel. These people traveled through Asia, coming to the Asian Pacific coastline, built ships and traveled to Central America's western shores.Not only did the Jeredites come from Asia, but two other peoples as well.
Criticism: Joseph Smith could not be a Christian because he was a polygamist. That he had many wives. Therefore his doctrine was of the devil.
Response: Book of Jacob in the Book of Mormon condemns polygamy, telling us what polygamy is and why it's wrong in God's eyes! The Book of Mormon condemns polygamy so roundly and convincingly, it makes one wonder if Joseph Smith actually could have been a polygamist should he have written the Book of Mormon from his own intellect rather than God given inspiration...
Not to mention Abraham, King David, Isaac, Ishmael, King Solomon, Jacob (Israel)and many other men in the bible were polygamist and are today considered holy Godly men by all who read Bible scripture. So! Why the double standard ? The bible had polygamists and yet it's accepted as truth? Yet the Book of Mormon is not accepted because it condemns polygamy? I've never seen such warped logic!
Criticism: Joseph Smith translated the Book of Abraham.
Response: The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints In the late 19th century U.S. and Canadian Courts as well as U.S. Congressional investigation determined the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ the true successor Church to the original LDS Church Led by Joseph Smith...
Further more the Courts and Congress all courts and U.S. Congressional Investigation declared it was Brigham Young who started the Doctrine of Polygamy. Continuing in their statements, the courts declared the Salt Lake Church an usurper Church, who in Joseph Smith's name promoted doctrines, beliefs and teachings that were untrue. Smith never taught them!
They also determined Joseph Smith never was a polygamist!
So what does this have to do with the Book of Abraham? Just as we covered earlier about churches struggling for market share and money, so does the Salt Lake LDS Church. They are no better than any other church. This Includes RLDS of which I myself am a member.
The RLDS at our core is a better church, our beliefs are biblically based, and we reject Brigham Young's invitation to follow him to Salt Lake. But we ourselves have rejected the saviors call to take the gospel to the common man, to the lowliest of the low, the most humble of the humble. Instead even we ourself have used the Book of Mormon to build a church organization, rather than a people. So even for us it's about money, power or prestige. At least we don't lie like Salt Lake Mormon hierarchy. But does that make us any better? Nope!
As a life long member and Priest in the RLDS Church, I can say the Book of Abraham never existed as a book of doctrine in our church... I've never heard mention of it! Not until I saw the supposed DNA Evidence And The Book of Mormon CD... For me it was a shocker! " The Mormon's did what?"
Does that mean Joseph Smith never handled some ancient scripts which resulted in the Book of Abraham? Yes he did! He did translate, to be published only in a church magazine publication. Never to be used as church doctrine.
If you're curious where my sources lie, look within you. In the near future I will post some links to other sources of information to validate what I've said.